How to Block Emails from Specific Senders in Gmail
We all have somehow faced the annoying person on the internet. There are always those people who don’t stop to bother you. So what if you are getting such annoying mails over your Gmail? So, here is the best part – you can manually block them from sending you annoying messages. However, Gmail gave you this filter option which you might find handy when we are talking about How to Block Emails from Specific Senders in Gmail.
So, without further delay lets check how to Block Emails from Specific Senders in Gmail:
1.Obviously, open your Gmail and login to your account.
2.Now, you will see your Gmail page. There at the top, you can find a search bar. Now on the left side, you will find the arrow. Clicking on it.
3.Now, clicking the arrow will open the Advanced Search options. Then, enter the email address whose messages you want to automatically delete, then click the “Create Filter” button. Here you have to put the annoying email address. After confirmation click on create filter.
4.After clicking on Create Filter you will find group of options. Here, you have to select your preferred option. But if you want to delete the annoying mails the click on Delete It option. After that click on Create Filter.
5.Now, a confirmation box showing “Your filter was created.” will be displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of Gmail’s website.
And that’s all there is to it—your filter is now created, and any emails from the address you chose will be automatically deleted without you ever seeing them.
6.Now, to see and manage your filters, you can head back to Gmail’s home page, click the “Gear” icon in the top-right corner of the site, then select “See All Settings.”
Select The Settings cog and the “See all settings” button.
7.Now, go and open the “Filters and Blocked Addresses” tab and then click the “Edit” and “Delete” options to manage your filter.
In conclusion, that all it is there to filter your mail address. So if you want to check through the detail steps of how to Block Emails from Specific Senders in Gmail then check out the video below:
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