Samsung Cloud is closing down and this is the REASON.
Samsung cloud is one of the cloud storage platforms. It is designed by the Samsung company for storing the data of Samsung devices of the users in the cloud. It is in bulk the great platform that stores your Contacts, Samsung Notes, Messages, and Gallary. Also, it comes in handy when you are changing phones from old to new. You can easily copy the backed-up files from your previous device to a newer one. Samsung cloud also has features that automatically sync your preferred settings. So, every time you get the new Galaxy device you don’t have to maintain our settings from the start.
So, there seem to be millions of users who are using this service. Why does Samsung closing down its famous features? There is a brilliant reason behind this tactic. Well, technically speaking your Contacts, Settings, Messages, and Notes won’t be shutting down from automatic sync. However, the massive storage of Gallary Photos and files of your device cannot be stored in the Samsung cloud.
The reason behind Samsung cloud closing down:
The most probable reason is the scarcity of storage devices all over the world. Well, there are many activists who are trying to bring the ecosystem back to a fresh new start. They are also claiming that there are many natural resources that are lacking day by day. It practical things are being quite horrifying as there are resources being degrading day by day.
And another reason is that Samsung is about to bring the Premium service which is no longer free. so, users have to pay for Samsung cloud storage if they want to store large files from their My files app and Gallary Sync. It is the main reason Samsung is shutting down only the Files storage n Drive and Gallary Sync. Another reason is that Saung is a big partner of Microsoft and Microsft OneDrive seems to be an alternative change for old files to be transferred from Samsung cloud. So, technically Samsung is promoting the Microsoft Onedrive as well.
Different Stages of Samsung Cloud Termination:
Samsung has divided into two Groups for the termination of the Samsung cloud. Each group has three different stages. In stage 1, you can migrate your data to Microsoft Onedrive. The date for the 1st group is until 31 March. And the date for the 2nd group is Until 31 May. Similarly, stage 2 is all about downloading your data to your device or PC. And it has also had a deadline for Group 1 until 30 June and Group 2 until 31 August. After stage 2 the data will be deleted. From 1 July, data of group 1 will be deleted and from 1 September, data of group 2 will be deleted. Group 1 consists of the UK, the US, Australia, and many more European countries. And Group 2 consists of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East countries.
Alternate Source for Backup:
There are many sources for backing up your files before the deadline. Particularly, the Samsung cloud lets you transfer your data from the Samsung cloud to OneDrive before deadlines. And the other method is to download your data from the Samsung cloud and upload it into Google Drive, Dropbox, Canto DAM, and so on. However, all these brands have limited storage capacity and need to pay money to buy more space.
So, hurry up and store your data in another cloud storage for the future. However, you don’t have to worry about your Contacts, Messages, Notes, and Calendar as they will remain safe in the Samsung cloud as per Samsung notice. But still, if you want o stay on the safe side then backup those files as well. It will help you back up your files for future use in case Samsung shut down those services as well. If you are wondering how to transfer your data from Samsung cloud to Microsoft Onedrive then follow our video link below: